Thank Assemblyman Muratsuchi for the Library Display
In Season 8 of Friends, Phoebe goes on a date with Jim Nelson, a creep who writes erotic novels for children. Phoebe's disgusted reaction was normal in the 90s.
I have had multiple friends reach out over the last couple of days regarding a display in one of our local libraries. To be clear, the school district is a separate entity from the library district, and we have no control or authority over what they do or do not do.
As of yesterday, the following display was set up in what appears to be the children’s section of the library, along with edgy bumper stickers boasting “Read Banned Books.”
Prominently displayed just in front of books about Arctic penguins and Harry Potter, just to the right of toddler book “No, David!” is a book called “Gender Queer,” one of the heavily propagandized smut texts that California Democrats have been pushing to keep in schools—while accusing anyone who wonders aloud if it’s inappropriate of being a hateful bigot who hates free speech (remember this and this).
An excerpt from the "banned book."
When parents push for books like this to be kept out of children’s libraries, it’s not because they want to ban books. It’s because it’s totally inappropriate, and frankly dangerous, for adults to give children books containing child pornography. It’s especially inappropriate for these books to be given to children at school, and it’s triply inappropriate for adults to give children these books without their parents knowing.
So now that this is on display, I encourage you to go take a look for yourself. I need you to understand that the same activists pushing to display these books and condemn parents as “book banners” because they don’t want their kids looking at child porn are the same people advocating for these books in our schools at our school board meetings. If that bothers you, you need to get involved, because those activist voices are the only voices we hear and they are guiding our legislature. I understand you are afraid to speak up, because they are bullies. But if you don’t stand up to them, your children are the ones who will suffer the consequences.
This library display was brought to you by people like Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, who introduced the California Freedom to Read Act to combat the “crazy parents” who don’t want their kids reading inappropriate books at school. Be sure to send him your thanks, and remember he is up for election in November.
As always, this is just one lady’s opinion. I don’t speak for the board and no one else speaks for me.