URGENT: Muratsuchi’s Facilities Funding Bill Amendments Harm PVPUSD; Contact Committee Today

Over the weekend, amendments were made to AB 247, Al Muratsuchi’s statewide facilities bond bill. It appears that the amendments incorporate the demands made by Public Advocates and Goodwin Proctor to add a sliding scale system that will provide lower wealth school districts with additional state funding for new construction and modernization projects.

The District sent a letter to the State and to Public Advocates regarding the devastating impact such a sliding scale will have on places like PVPUSD. In a nutshell, local wealth does not translate into dollars for facilities.

Normally, supporters and opponents can submit formal letters through a portal system provided by the legislative committees. The Senate Ed Committee deadline for submission is noon the Friday before a hearing. These amendments were made over the weekend, after the committee’s deadline for portal submissions. This mode of legislating intentionally excludes the public from participation, and makes a mockery of democratic process. This is the M.O. of our supermajority legislature, and it needs to stop.


Ask that the sliding scale regarding the wealth of a district’s residents be removed, and that the legislature acknowledge that the wealth of a district’s residents does not translate into dollars for facilities. Ask that the State fulfill its obligation under Article IX, Section 5 of the California Constitution to “provide for a system of common schools by which a free school shall be kept up and supported in each district.”

For more details on how this sliding scale will harm PVPUSD, review our letter to Public Advocates.

Please contact the committee members TODAY (ideally before 1:00):

Committee Phone: 916-651-4105

Committee Email: sedn.committee@senate.ca.gov

Committee Consultant: lynn.lorber@sen.ca.gov

Asm. Muratsuchi: assemblymember.muratsuchi@assembly.ca.gov

  • District Office: (310) 375-0691

  • Capital Office: (916) 319-2066

  • Chief of Staff: Bryan.Singh@asm.ca.gov

Sen. Education Committee Members:

  • Sen. Josh Newman: (916) 651-4029; Senator.Newman@senate.ca.gov

  • Sen. Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh: (916) 651-4023; senator.bogh@sen.ca.gov

  • Sen. Scott Wilk: (916) 651-4021; senator.wilk@senate.ca.gov

  • Senator Dave Cortese: (916) 651-4015; Senator.Cortese@sen.ca.gov

  • Senator Steven Glazer: (916) 651-4007; senator.glazer@sen.ca.gov

  • Senator Lena Gonzalez: (916) 651-4033; senator.gonzalez@sen.ca.gov

  • Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas: (916) 651-4028; senator.smallwood-cuevas@senate.ca.gov

As always, this is just one lady’s opinion. I don’t speak for the Board and no one else speaks for me.


Update: Amended AB 247 Passed Committee and Moves to Floor


2 Important Issues: Bond and Comprehensive Health Regulation